A passion for Africa!
Koedoeskop [kuduskop], Afrikaans for « Kudu’s Hill », is a privately owned 3600ha nature reserve committed
to the preservation of the Southern Africa fauna & flora, particularly that of the Eastern Cape.
to the preservation of the Southern Africa fauna & flora, particularly that of the Eastern Cape.
Owned & managed by nature enthusiasts, our objective is to offer a true experience of the African bush and its wildlife,
without unnecessary constraints. Unlike many African lodges where you will spend most of your time at the back of a 4x4,
we specialize on activities such as walking & hiking, horse-riding, mountain biking, game & bird viewing, botany trails or tracking.
It is the perfect place for family or friends to reunite and spend quality time together in an unspoiled natural environment.
We specifically welcome children, even very young, to whom we can offer dedicated outdoor activities.
Koedoeskop is located in the Southern Karoo, a malaria-free and bilharzia-free area, therefore there are no special health precautions (or vaccination) necessary.